For All Saints' Day

Blessed are those who wash their robes, that they may have the right to the tree of life. Revelation 22:14

The Washing

In his Civil War book, Glory Road, author Bruce Catton shows us how dirty a human being can get. He recounts an episode in which a soldier leaves a prisoner-of-war camp to rejoin his old unit. His time as a POW had left him filthy beyond description. He asks his comrades to help him get clean. They take him into a river, strip off his clothes and begin to wash and scrub. Only after this continues for a time do the man and his friends realize that he is still wearing an undershirt. The man’s body had become so encrusted that it had been impossible at first to tell the difference between a soiled piece of clothing and his own skin.

The soiling nature of sin does the same thing. From the dark thoughts we allow to fester in our minds to all the deeds of love conveniently left undone, sin does more than leave a dirty streak here and there on our souls. It makes us spiritually filthy beyond description. Left to ourselves, our hearts are so encrusted by sin that it’s impossible for us to see how lost we really are, how deep the pit really is.

That’s where Jesus comes in. We didn’t see how lost we were. But he did. We didn’t see how far we had fallen. But he did. He took us to the river of his grace. He washed us in the waters of baptism. He cleansed us in the blood he shed on Calvary’s cross. Now we stand before him in robes of white. Now, through faith in him, his forgiveness is our personal possession.

There are moments when the same old stench from the same old sinful habits can fill our nostrils with despair. When such a moment comes for you, remember who you are. Remember what Jesus has done. He has gone to the cross to wash you clean. He has risen from death to assure you that not one of your sins remains. Through his eyes your life is fresh and clean and new. Your days as a filthy prisoner are long gone.


Lord Jesus, in those moments when I stumble and the stench of my old sinful habits fills the air, remind me of the washing I have in you. Fill me with your peace. Empower me to get back up and to walk again with you. Amen.


A Prayer for All Saints' Day:
P: O most gracious and holy Lord God, You have deigned to bestow Your holiness upon Your people, declaring us to be saints before Your throne.
For Your holy church, the gathering of the saints in heaven and on earth; for the congregations and pastors which faithfully serve the ministry of Word and sacraments;
C: With the glorious company of apostles we praise You.

P: For Your glorious creation and all the gifts which we find there; for the governments of the earth, instruments of Your justice and providence;
C: With the noble fellowship of prophets we praise You.

P: For those who, because of their confession of Your holy name, are being slandered, ridiculed and persecuted; for those in peril for the sake of Your truth and Your Word;
C: With the white-robed army of martyrs we praise You.

P: For the merciful good works done in Your name which You accomplish in us; for the saints who are before Your throne and serve You day and night in the temple.
C: Throughout the world the holy Church acclaims You.

P: Mercifully grant that in Christ Your saints may find love, hope, justice, and peace. For these and all gifts,
C: Let us give thanks to the Lord.

P: With all Your saints, of heaven and earth, of today and ages past, we pray:
C: “Blessing and glory and wisdom and thanksgiving and honor and power and might be to our God for ever and ever! Amen."
[Rev. 7:12]



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